Brooklyn Abortion Clinic

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Author: DmitriyBronfman

The Unexpected Facts About Menstruation

Despite the fact that most women have menstruation each month, not everyone understands how their bodies work. Almost every woman knows when her menstruation should start and what to do about it. But it still is considered a shameful topic to speak about aloud.

Silence causes a lack of information. Ignorance of women about their bodies is a problem that leads to unexpected pregnancies, diseases, and psychological problems. We should speak more about it and don’t let these topics continue being inappropriate to talk about.

Did You Know This About Menstruation?

A woman’s body is an incredible phenomenon. It can function in such different ways that you could never imagine. Menstruation is one of the cases when things can go in a rather unexpected way.

The menstrual cycle can change

Moreover, it varies not only in different women but also can be different in the same woman. On average, the number of days between periods is 28, but you can expect a beginning from 21 to 35 days. It counts from the first day after the end of the previous menstruation and can take from one to three weeks before ovulation. But the second phase - after ovulation - lasts about 14 days for each woman. And it’s absolutely normal that periods come at different intervals from month to month, as they are influenced by many factors.

Some women may literally feel ovulation

Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary into the abdomen as a result of the rupture of a mature follicle. For most women, it happens unnoticeably, but the feeling of some symptoms is absolutely normal. These symptoms are a slight pain in the abdomen, as well as the rise of basal temperature and increased breast sensitivity.

Menstrual cramps can occur not only in the stomach

Dull muscular pain related to menstruation occurs not only in the abdomen. It can radiate into back, thighs, and legs down to the knees. It happens because the nerve endings in the abdominal region are connected with each other. In women with dysmenorrhea, the pain can be very severe and spread far.

Sex almost never relieves menstrual cramps

Nobody knows who started the popular myth that menstrual cramps can be relieved by sex during menstruation. It’s very individual. Only a very small percentage of women feel relief (and even this can be associated with self-suggestion). In may women, sex at this time causes uterine spasms, especially if the sperm gets inside. In addition, sex during menstruation can be physiologically unpleasant for some women.

The chances of having a yeast infection during menstruation are smaller

Menstrual blood influences the pH in the vagina, which makes it difficult for the survival of bacteria that cause infections. However, in some cases, hormone fluctuation leads to the opposite effect, and menstruation becomes a risk factor. It can be noticed by a specific fishy smell and the increased amount of discharge. In this case, you should contact your doctor.

Now you know more about your body and can tell other girls if they are worried about something that was mentioned above. Of course, a medical consultation is the best way to get informed about what is going on in your body.

Brooklyn Abortion Clinic
14 DeKalb Avenue 4 floor,
Brooklyn, NY 11201
718 369-1900

Location on the map:

Nearby Locations:
Downtown Brooklyn | Clinton Hill | Prospect Heights | Gowanus | Cobble Hill
11201| 11238 | 11217

Working Hours
Mon - Sun: 7:00 am - 10:00 pm
Payment: cash, check, credit cards.


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