Ukie Painting
At Ukie Painting, we've helped a hundred homeowners in Charlotte, NC, and surrounding areas to improve their living spaces through color transformation. If you are looking for a painting company with excellent quality workmanship and outstanding customer service, you are in the right place. UKIE PAINTING MAKES A DIFFERENCE.
We're More Than Just A Painting Company:
1. We are very easy to deal with, we provide excellent customer service, and we are always on top of the communication game.
2. Unlike most other painters, we use top-of-the-line paints and finishes to enhance the beauty and richness of your space.
3. Our dustless sanding and ventilation system allows us to have no dust or smell while working in your home.
4. We take our time prepping your project and never skip any steps to ensure the job is being done to the best craftsmanship traditions.
5. We provide a 2-year warranty for all of our painting projects.
6. Our company is fully insured.