The Beverly Hills Marriage and Family Therapy INC
Dr Samara Aldahwi is professional psychotherapist in Beverly Hills CA. We specializes in couples therapy, individual counseling, and family therapy to help people with their mental health problems. At The Beverly Hills Marriage and Family Therapy INC, we offers the highest quality and most comprehensive cognitive behavioral therapy in Beverly hills, CA. Dr Samara Aldahwi is a professional therapists who work to provide clients with the most effective treatments for their problems. Our therapists can provide treatment for addiction, depression, PTSD, anxiety, eating disorders, and much more. At The Beverly Hills Marriage and Family Therapy INC, we are here to help you or your loved ones get back on track and lead happier, healthier lives. The Beverly Hills Marriage and Family Therapy INC offers a wide range of counseling services including: marriage therapy, couples therapy, individual counseling, family therapy. Our therapists are skilled in working with children, adolescents and adults across a variety of issues related to mental health. Our goal is to help you find peace within yourself so that you can lead a happier life.