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SQL Server helps to store and process data for further analysis. It helps to access data from Data Warehouse and analyze it. However, creating a dimensional model for all the data coming into your systems is difficult. You need to create multiple OLAP virtual dimensions and capture attributes of data that don't fit into hierarchical dimensions. This can be done using member properties since SQL Server dimensional modeling is basically about attribute-based modeling. You can develop a database online, i.e. you don't need to write lines of coding for generating ALTER scripts. This can be done online. Indeed, you can develop databases online without writing a single line of code. You can import SQL scripts, create a database model online, make changes, compare SQL changes and generate new SQL scripts and ALTER scripts. In SQLDBM you are looking to shore up your IT infrastructure to reap the benefits of business intelligence, you need to make sure that there are systems in place for online BI SQL Generation. This can help you design new databases without any hassle and time lag. For more information, contact us today.

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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