Schulmerich & Associates, LLC

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We believe that individual and corporate investors should have the opportunity to receive objective investment advice from independent advisors who do not make recommendations based on compensations or incentives sponsored by the financial community.

We believe that our client's needs must come first. We acknowledge that we have an obligation to you to provide high standards of technical competence, morality, and integrity. We are professionals, and our relationship with you, the client, is a professional one.

Wealth Management is discussed further in our web site. Simply stated, we manage your wealth while helping you find the resources and advice you need to make informed financial decisions. Your assets are domiciled at TD Ameritrade and we direct and manage the investment objectives and goals to which we have mutually agreed. Within Wealth Management you receive: Investment Planning, Investment Management, Integrated Comprehensive Fee-Only Financial Planning, Family Coaching and Counseling, Planned Giving and Philanthropy, and Trust Services.

Portfolio Construction and Asset Management is the heart of our business. We interview you and ask you to complete an investment questionnaire. Our number one goal is to achieve an investment return that you need. This may well be different than what you initially thought you wanted. We believe it is incumbent upon us to help you understand the overwhelming importance of preservation of capital through prudent and proven investment strategies. Unfortunately, many amateur investors frequently defeat their own goals by letting ego dictate strategy.

We prepare an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) for you. The IPS defines the goals, objectives, time horizon, income needs, and comparison benchmarks against which to judge performance. The IPS changes over time just as your financial situations change.

Mission and Core Values

Our Mission: to develop ongoing inter-generational financial security by partnering with our clients to make sound, objective financial and investment decisions.

Our firm's long-term viability depends on enduring core values: integrity, professional excellence, concern, personal empathy and professional fiduciary oversight.

These core values drive our activities:

Professional excellence.

You have worked hard developing your own career. So have we, and we realize professional investment knowledge is not your principal vocation - it is ours. Professional excellence means careful planning by experts who have experience in investments, retirement planning, tax planning and reporting, and estate planning. Our services are continuous and responsive because laws, circumstances, and the economic environment are constantly changing.

Professional fiduciary oversight and integrity.

We are committed to the highest international financial fiduciary standards possible by FI360.

You can visit them at the link below.

Personal concern and empathy.

Our integrated wealth management process provides a comprehensive strategy meeting your long-term dreams and goals. Much like the strategy of a chess match, we focus on the end result, not the short-term gain. By developing personal relationships and understanding the underlying issues, we have successfully partnered with many people like you to make sound, objective financial decisions.

Our corporate mission can also be seen in our results. Accessibility, responsiveness, experience and expertise enable Schulmerich & Associates, LLC to ensure your ongoing intergenerational financial security.

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon8:30 AM5:00 PM
Tue8:30 AM5:00 PM
Wed8:30 AM5:00 PM
Thr8:30 AM5:00 PM
Fri8:30 AM5:00 PM
Notes: None Listed


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