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We provide advice regarding managed care contracting, revenue growth strategies, financial management, practice management consulting, practice valuation and physician expert witness litigation support. To see more service offerings, We invite you to visit my website.

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10 Things We Bosses (Used To) Hate

I admit it - I didn't like employees when I was a boss, and they certainly didn't like me either. No wonder I'm a solo practitioner. Consulting with my physician clients, I hear the entire gamut of employee issues. However, I truly believe the best medical practices out there do the best at human resources (i.e. handling their people). So I preach constantly about physician and administrator "bosses' taking responsibility for ensuring that their employees feel great about what they do at work. Quite frankly however it is a two way street.

It is really hard for a ‘boss' or leader to give you his or her best if you the employee keep getting in the way of being a ‘great employee'. My mother always said "don't bite the hand that feeds you." And at a bare minimum one thing an employer should be able to expect from an employee is ‘teamwork.'

I have worked for and seen some really great managers and I have also worked for and seen some terrible one's in the 25+ years I've been working with physician medical practices. I have been both a boss and an employee - So I have seen both sides of the fence.

It is true that a third of people leave a workplace simply because ‘they feel they are not noticed' according to the Gallup Organization. I wonder how many employees say they ‘hate their boss', either privately, in group conversations, or God forbid social media. But the shoe could just as easily be on the other foot. What if the employee is a royal pain in the ass! Bad hire, or he or she has just got cynical with the years. If an employee doesn't like their boss - maybe the boss doesn't like you either.

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