Missouri Collaborative Institute

The Missouri Collaborative Institute is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, practice group organized and dedicated to the promotion of the collaborative law method and its application to the resolution of divorce and family law matters in Missouri. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision & shouldn't be based solely on advertisements.
Keywords : Collaborative divorce, amicable divorce, mediation, alternative dispute resolution, collaborative law
Hours of Operation : Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm
Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce in Missouri
Divorce proceedings do not have to be contentious court battles where one party is typically declared the "winner" and the other party the "loser." An alternative to traditional divorce litigation is collaborative divorce. There are many benefits of collaborative divorce, including the ability to help control and reach an agreement on your most important issues.
Many couples are increasingly turning to collaborative divorce when their marriages end. In a collaborative divorce, each spouse hires a trained collaborative lawyer. Spouses sit down with their lawyers and talk through matters. Often, they bring in additional professionals who can lend their perspectives. These include divorce coaches, financial neutrals and psychologists.