Matanuska Creamery

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Our customers tell us that it is the taste of our milk that keeps people and their kids coming back, time and time again. The more fresh the milk is, the better it tastes, and the more live enzymes it has to support your health and proper digestion.


How long does a gallon of milk last in your home? The nice thing about Matanuska Creamery milk is that it often has two weeks or more left before its due date when you buy it! We jokingly say, that the only way to get it fresher is to get yourself a cow!

It Makes SENSE

Alaska is extremely vulnerable to a food crisis. The state estimates that there is less that 4 days of perishable food supply "in-state" at any given time, and only 2 weeks of food available in total. Supporting your local dairy helps to ensure that we have some form of healthy, nutrient-rich food production year round. It also makes sense economically. Matanuska Creamery, the milk farmers, and the grain, grass, and barley farmers who support the entire industry have a huge economic impact in the Matanuska Valley and beyond. They are hard working families who buy homes, insurance, groceries, cars and every other service available right here in our backyard.

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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