Gregis Advertising Inc

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For over 20 years, Gregis Advertising has been providing advertising and marketing services to a diverse audience of industrial and commercial businesses. Our clients span a broad range of products and service types, and they all have one common goal - that of being the leader in their respective product categories.

What differentiates Gregis Advertising from most other advertising agencies is our focus on businesses serving other businesses. We place special emphasis in working with companies offering products and services to specialized markets. Markets that are often small in size but requiring the highest degree of technical knowledge and proficiency.

Regardless of the product type, emphasis is placed on brand building and the positioning of our clients as the value leader within their respective industries. Strong brands are the cornerstone of any company, and they require care and nurturing and an advertising agency committed to excellence.

Eye-stopping print advertising increases brand awareness and share of mind within your target audiences. Let us develop an advertising strategy that leads to greater, more profitable sales and increased market share for your brands.

Our experience working with many business to business clients has given us a solid foundation in preparing advertising that is both creative and effective. Understanding the product or service and how it interrelates with the customer takes hard work. Knowing how to condense feature after product feature into a single word or phrase that positions the product is harder still. Finding that special interest is not always easy but it's there if you know where to look.

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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