Forest Hills Audiology

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Is located within the Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctor's office in Forest Hills, New York. The office has been open for more than 30 Years and provides comprehensive diagnostic audiology and hearing care services for adults and children over the age of 6.

Forest Hills Audiology has a licensed audiologist who is also a licensed dispenser of hearing aids, offering the latest cosmetically appealing styles and advanced digital models. We differ from other hearing providers by having an otologist (an ear specialist) and a state-licensed, ASHA-certified audiologist.

Do You Need a hearing professional In Forest Hills Or Queens, NY?

It can be extremely frustrating to deal with hearing loss and the difficulty in understanding even the most basic communications from family and friends. At Forest Hills Audiology, we offer Diagnostic hearing examinations and tests to patients in Forest Hills and Queens, NY, who are interested in correcting Hearing Impairment. We work closely with our patients to help them achieve their goals and restore their hearing, so they can communicate more effectively again.


Assess your hearing by scheduling a diagnostic hearing tests at Forest Hills Audiology.


Identify signs of hearing loss and stop it in its tracks by maintaining good hearing health


Find out how to maintain your hearing aids to make them last as long as possible.

Meet the doctor

After Dr. Roxanne Borukhov's daughter was born profoundly deaf, she became a recipient of two cochlear implants. She currently attends a gifted and talented program in a regular public-school setting with children who have normal hearing. Her daughter does not implement sign language and is completely oral. The Audiologists who Dr. Borukhov's daughter has been seeing until today have inspired her to help those who are hard of hearing with the use of amplification systems such as hearing aids

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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