East Coast Academy of Dog Training (ECADT)

East Coast Academy of Dog Training (ECADT) has been serving the Baltimore metropolitan area since 1994. ECADT offers an all inclusive program teaching puppies, dogs, and owners. The puppy/dog is first taught off the leash, using no pain and no choke devices. This approach helps improve the relationship between the owner and their pet. The training continues on leash, outside and in public, for the safety of the pet. Techniques and procedures are taught to control any problem behaviors, including housebreaking. The training is offered in the home which makes training convenient and the results of the program are seen quickly.
The techniques applied by East Coast Academy have been proven successful thousands of times over. Rob Hirsch, director of ECADT, has been using the training methods for many years. Rob's expertise is attributed to more than 19 years of training experience. Rob's undergraduate studies in conditioning and psychology help him, apply and teach, the methods employed by East Coast Academy. The positive "love and reward" approach is continually endorsed by current periodicals.
Rob began his career in dog training in New York, apprenticing with a trainer and training company. Rob moved to Baltimore in 1994. Since then thousands of Baltimore area residents (owners and pets) have successfully completed the ECADT training program.