Cutaneous Pathology

At Cutaneous Pathology, we offer our physicians and referring dermatologists the best in dermatopathology services, utilizing state-of-the-art diagnostic criteria backed by sound science and a wealth of experience. Our local facility saves you precious time by providing a full menu of lab services, allowing our pathologists the ability to correlate both the clinical and histopathologic findings for a complete diagnostic summary. Our fast turnaround and extensive diagnostic capability gives you the service you need, allowing you to concentrate on the demands of your practice. Excellence is our goal. We offer personalized attention and strive for quality communication with our doctors.
Our reports have a blue rim designed to standout in the patient's chart for easy viewing. Reports can be viewed and printed online, faxed or delivered via courier. Our reporting incorporates clinical-pathological correlation or literature references when pertinent. Consecutive patient biopsies are assigned to the same dermatopathologist to guarantee continuity of care. The patient's previous biopsies are pulled from the system at the timeof the case sign out which offers a privileged overview of previous patient care.