CCC Center
We rehabilitate patients who have been brain injuries at work or home. Our referrals are mostly lawyers whose clients are injured at work . Our top doctors lend expertise to lawyers in workers compensation cases and get follow up treatment which is mandated by the terms of the settlement.
Center for Cognition and Communication
is a leading provider of comprehensive Neuropsychological evaluations, cognitive therapy, psychotherapy other related mental health services for patients who have suffered a concussion or traumatic brain injury ("TBI").
CCC provides services in the New York metro area, with offices uptown adjacent to Cornell Medical Center and in mid-town, with a third in Queens. The Company has developed a distinguished reputation in the field of rehabilitation through the use of state-of-the-art computer-driven programs for remediation and the latest advancements in research, therapy, and education.
CCC's treatment services are administered by a team of specialists in neuropsychology, clinical psychology, and rehabilitation. The Company adapts the treatment to the individual needs of each patient and facilitates recovery to the highest possible level of function. The Company helps patients improve cognitive skills, including speech and language and regain, as closely as possible, their functional ability level prior to injury. In addition to assisting patients with a plan for post-therapy vocational and social goals, the company's recent expansion into mental health services significantly enhances their ability to provide a much more comprehensive rehabilitation service. Treatment typically spans six to twelve months and is covered by workers' compensation, no-fault insurance, other commercial payers and in select circumstance a lien agreement.