CBS Payroll Service, Inc.

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About Us

"Choosing The Right Payroll Service For Your Business Is Not A Decision To Take Lightly. It Is Important To Go With A Company You Can Trust." Jay Walia, President - CBS Payroll

6 Reasons Why CBS Payroll Will Be The Right Choice For Your Business...

Payroll Expertise - CBS Payroll has been trusted by hundreds of local business since 1989. With over 500 clients in MA state. we have provided payroll for virtually about every industry - even the government. Although we specialize in payroll processing for small businesses, we do have clients with 100+ employees.

You'll Save Up To 60% -- Are you using a national payroll service? If you are, there is a good chance you are overpaying them. In fact, our average client saves anywhere from 40% to 60%. Our efficient payroll management system allows us to process your payroll quicker as compared to our major competitors.

We're Flexible, Accurate & Timely - Since you process your payroll differently from everyone else, we can customize our system to meet your specific needs. Plus, we offer cross-checking system to ensure your payroll is processed 100% accurately.

No Set Up Fees Or Contracts To Sign - To keep your fees low, we don't change a set up fee or contract to be signed. The fact that we don't charge for your payroll's set up shows you our confidence. You have no risk whatsoever with us processing your payroll.

You're Guaranteed No Tax Penalties -- We assume 100% responsibility for the collection (from you) and payment (on your behalf) of your payroll tax liability.

We Offer A Low-Cost Direct Deposit Alternative -- Our pricing for this service is extremely competitive. We also believe that this service is a huge benefit to your employees.

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon9:00 AM5:00 PM
Tue9:00 AM5:00 PM
Wed9:00 AM5:00 PM
Thr9:00 AM5:00 PM
Fri9:00 AM5:00 PM
Notes: None Listed


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