Cash for Cars in Commack NY

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We give people in Commack and the surrounding cities cash for junk cars. Moreover, we are the car dealer who strives to meet or even exceed every one of its clients' expectations. We will do our best to come up with the best possible offer for your vehicle. And remember, the car can be damaged or wrecked. It doesn't need to start.
We pay cash for cars in Commack and we don't care about the make and model. Nor do we care about the mileage. The only thing we ask of you is to be sincere when you send us more information about yourself and about the vehicle. The offers we send you are available only if the car is as described.
We are the company that not only offers cash for junk cars in Commack, but also provides the best customer service you've ever heard of. We have hundreds of positive reviews all over the Internet. People in Commack and the surrounding area love our company and our services. Let's work together!
You get cash for cars and we get the cars we need. To sweeten the deal, we are offering a unique opportunity. We will come to your location and pick up the old car (it can be wrecked, no problem!) for FREE. You save more money this way!

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon9:00 AM9:00 PM
Tue9:00 AM9:00 PM
Wed9:00 AM9:00 PM
Thr9:00 AM9:00 PM
Fri9:00 AM7:00 PM
Sat9:00 AM9:00 PM
Sun10:00 AM7:00 PM
Notes: None Listed
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