Buxton Roofing

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Buxton Roofing is proud to have achieved the status of CertainTeed Select Shingle Roofer as determined by CertainTeed Corporation, the leading manufacturer of roofing products in the industry.

Earning this highest level credential involves a rigorous process including several significant educational and accreditation steps. By achieving this status, Buxton Roofing can offer many services other contractors are not able to provide.

Many roofing contractors overlook items such as proper ventilation and underlayment. Our knowledgeable staff will help guide you through the roofing selection process. Buxton Roofing will ensure you get a quality roofing system that meets your needs.

Buxton Roofing specializes in re-roofing projects, and provides roof maintenance and repairs on facilities throughout Northeast Ohio. We understand that installing a commercial building roof is a large project and represents a large investment. Buxton Roofing will evaluate your roofing system and do all that is necessary to prolong the life of the roof before recommending a replacement.

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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