Blue Stone Interiors
Whether you are planning on building a new home, remodeling your existing business, or just want to refresh the color of your bathroom walls, BlueStone can help. We work with all sizes of residential and commercial projects and would love to be a part of yours.
We'll contact you to visit with you about your potential project. Our intitial consultation is free of charge. After our intital consultation, we'll put together a cost proposal. Upon your accecptance, let the fun begin.
We're also really excited to start using Pinterest with you. Those who haven't used it will hopefully find the porthole on our Design/ Pinboards page just the gentle nudge in the right direction they need.
Our improved portfolio will give you a better viewing experience and atmosphere. We must tell you, in order to use this improved gallery, you will need to update your current browsers to the latest versions. We like to use the newest features available and that usually means browser updates.
See the exciting design elements, furniture, and styles we've come accross and recommend. Create boards of your own. Show the world your style at the same time you show US your preferences when we work with you.
It's easy, it's fun and it's a great way to keep in touch with us. Just click the "Follow me on Pinterest" button. If you're already a part of Pinterest we will be added to who your following. If you don't have a Pinterest account, simply create one and we'll be the first you follow. If you become a client, or special friend of ours, we'll follow ya right back!
Let us know what you think. Have any suggestions? Just shoot us an email from our contact page.