Berrios Orthodontics

Welcome to Berrios Orthodontics, Northridge Orthodontist for Braces. Orthotropics is particularly valuable to kids, as the young growing face is very malleable and even slight pressure from the lips or tongue over long periods can result in significant deformations. This is the type of growth that causes good-looking youngsters to become unattractive teenagers. Dr. Berrios is dedicated to helping parents recognize when a child's face is growing incorrectly and understand what can be done to remedy it. Dr. Berrios specializes in orthotropics, a holistic treatment philosophy that addresses the growth of the face and jaws in addition to the straightening of teeth. For example, many developing overbites result from poor forward growth of the lower jaw. An orthotropic approach would encourage the recessed bottom to grow forward to a properly developed upper jaw instead of pulling the top jaw or teeth back with a headgear or night brace, or extracting healthy teeth.