all valley landscaping

Landscaping in Phoenix brings some special challenges. Due to the extremely high temperatures and dryness, there are issues in Phoenix that others do not face. Even though landscaping can be a challenge in Phoenix, it is still possible to have a beautiful yard. If you are considering hiring a company to do your landscaping in Phoenix please call us today for an estimate.
Landscaping in Phoenix brings some special challenges. Due to the extremely high temperatures and dryness, there are issues in Phoenix that others do not face. Even though landscaping can be a challenge in Phoenix, it is still possible to have a beautiful yard. If you are considering hiring a company to do your landscaping in Phoenix please call us today for an estimate.
There are many plants and trees that are good for landscaping in Phoenix. While they are limited to ones that are drought and heat resistant, there are still some excellent plant choices for Phoenix Landscaping. For instance, the Indian Paintbrush has red flowers and reaches 6 to 16 inches in height. It makes a good plant choice. The Prickly Poppy is another good choice. It grows anywhere from 2 to 5 feet high. There is also the Desert Christmas Lily. This plant grows beautiful white flowers and grows to be anywhere from 1 to 4 feet high. These are just a few of the many choices that are available when landscaping Phoenix yards.
There are also some trees that make good choices for the special challenges of landscaping Phoenix yards. One of these include the Eucalyptus Tree. This tree, grows fast, doesn't require much water, and reaches heights of 25 feet, making it great for shade. If you are looking for a taller tree, the Shoestring Acacia is a good choice. It doesn't require much water, and grows to be about 30 feet high. These are just a few of the many trees that are drought and heat resistant making them great for Phoenix landscaping.
In addition to helping with plant choices our Phoenix landscaping pros can also recommend gravel or other ground coverings. Outdoor lighting a great way to add that wow factor to your yard and we can help you come up with the best concept for your yard.
So, while Landscaping in Phoenix can present some special problems, it is still possible to have a beautiful yard and overcome the Phoenix landscaping challenges. We love landscaping Phoenix yards and we would love to do yours.